About me


I'm a girl from small, but lovely country Lithuaniathis blog will be about my journey and life in a big country, or just daily thought and adventures of a young girl.

Why did I decide to write this blog? Because I need to put all my thought and doubts somewhere, maybe it'll help me to take better look from a side, to understand my feelings, and maybe to survive all hard moments. And - everybody want to be heard :)

That "traveling" lasts more than 2 years, during last year I spent much more time in Big country and as I just finished my master studies I'm trying to adopt me here :)

So that's me - confused, fully in love, and “alone” in a "Far away land".

Even if I don't sound concrete, I hope I can reveal myself by writing here - most importantly for me.


P.s. English is not my mother language, so I'm really sorry for mistakes :)

You can find me on Facebook

And on DaWanda

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